
Where is South Church?

South Church Amherst is located at 1066 S. East Street in Amherst, MA.

Click here to plan your drive with Google Maps.

What time is worship?

Worship begins every Sunday at 10am.

You may want to arrive 10 to 15 minutes early to find a parking space, take your kids to the nursery if you’d like, and find a seat in the sanctuary.

What are your worship services like?

Our worship services are traditional in style and include elements of music, scripture, and prayer.

How should I dress for worship?

There is no dress code at South Church Amherst. Wear whatever makes you comfortable. On any given Sunday, you’ll see people sporting styles ranging from suits to shorts.

Can I bring my family with me?

Children are welcome to attend worship services with their parents, but we also offer exciting and educational Sunday School programming for children from 4-years-old through the fifth grade. Most children stay in worship through the children’s message then head to Sunday School.

Nursery care is also available for infants and toddlers.

Can I take communion?

South Church Amherst’s communion table is open to anyone who seeks to respond to Christ’s love. We welcome both adults and children to receive communion.

Will I be welcome?

Yes! We are an open and affirming church congregation that celebrates God’s children in all their diversity.

No matter who you are or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here.

Have questions we didn't answer?

Don’t hesitate to email us at office@amherstsouthchurch.org or call us at (413) 253-2977.




We believe in God who has created all that is, God who has come into human life and taken on its joys and sorrows in the form of Jesus the Christ, and God who continues to intercede in history in the form of the Holy Spirit.



At South Church Amherst, we take the Bible seriously, not literally. In the human words of scripture we listen for God’s voice speaking to us in our current circumstances.



A church is not a building! A church is a community of people united in Christ through worship, work, and witness.



We celebrate two: Baptism and Communion. It is through baptism that persons are joined in faith with Jesus and accepted into the fellowship of the church. The breaking of bread and pouring of wine are done in remembrance of Christ’s death and his resurrection.



Faith isn’t about not asking questions. It’s asking questions, doubting, believing, and trusting. It’s messy, it’s hard, it’s worth it.



The mission of the Church is to work for justice and to establish God’s Realm in the world.